Saint Louis University Earthquake Center

Seismic Network Description

Station Map

Current stations maintained by The Saint Louis University Earthquake Center. Sites with broadband sensors and accelerometers are indicated by red circles and blue triangles, respectively. CCM, WCI and WVT are IRIS stations which were orignally sited by Dr. Brian Mitchell, and correctly receive local logistical support from the SLU Earthquake Center.

Station Book

The following links provide detailed information on the station sites and instrumentation



Cooperating Institution

BLO Bloomington, IN Indiana University
BVIL Belleville, IL Southwestern Illinois College
CBMO Cape Girardeau Bridge, MO MODOT
CCM Cathedral Cave, MO Missouri DNR/IRIS
CGM3 Cape Girardeau, MO Southeast Missouri State University
CGMO Cape Girardeau, MO Southeast Missouri State University
EDIL Edwardsville, IL Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
EVIN Evansville, IN University of Evansville
FFIL Fairfield, IL Frontier Community College
FVM French Villiage, MO Missouri Dept. Conservation
GBIN Gibson County, IN
HAIL Harrisburg, IL Southeastern Illinois College
JCMO Jefferson College, MO Jefferson College
MGMO Mountain Grove, MO Missouri State University
MPH Memphis, TN CERI/University of Memphis
MVKY Maysville, KY
MVMO Maryville, MO Maryville, University
OHIN Evansville, IN Oak Hill Middle School
OLIL Olney, IL Olney Central College
PBMO Poplar Bluff, MO Three Rivers Community College
PIOH Piqua, OH Edison Community College
PLAL Pickwick Lake, AL
PVMO Portageville, MO Delta Research Center
SCIN Evansville, IN, Scott Elementary School
SCMO St. Peters, MO St. Charles Community College
SIUC Carbondale, IL Southern Illinois University
SLM / SLM.00 St. Louis, MO St. Louis University
SLM.03 St. Louis, MO SLM Instrument Test
STIL East St. Louis, IL East St. Louis Higher Education Center
TCIN Evansville, IN Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center
TYMO Eureka, MO Tyson Reasearch Center/Washington University in St. Louis
UALR Little Rock, AR University of Alabama Little Rock
USIN Evansville, IN University of Southern Indiana
UTMT Martin, TN University of Tennessee, Martin
WCI Wyandotte, IN IRIS
WVIL Mt. Carmel, IL Wabash Valley College
WVT Waverly, TN IRIS

You can find more information about the Center, seismology, and many other earthquake-related topics by visiting the Center's homepage, or by contacting Dr. Robert Herrmann.

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