CCM - Cathedral Cave, Missouri (photo)

  Information for CCM as of February 1994
Station: Cathedral Cave, Missouri
Director: Dr. Brian J. Mitchell Network Affiliation: BILLIKEN IRIS/USGS - GSN
Geophysical Observatory
St. Louis University
3507 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis MO 63130
Network Contact:
Albuquerque Seismic Laboratory
Building 10002 Kirtland AFB East
Albuquerque, NM 87115
Telephone: 314 977-3123 Open Station: Yes
Phone No. 573-245-6177
Fax: 314 977-3117 Parent Organization:
St. Louis University
Latitude: 38.0557N
Longitude: 91.2446W
Elevation to Sensor: 222.5
Depth to Sensor: 51
Geology: Limestone
Vault Conditions: The seismograph station is located in Cathedral Cave in the Onondaga Cave State Park in Missouri. This is a large cave open to tourists. Temperature and humidity are stable. Seismometers are on concrete pads attached to bedrock.
Site Description: N/A

Organizations from which to obtain data: IRIS DMC, ANSS,

Station Instrumentation
1. Global Seismograph Network - GSN: [IU] 11 Sep 1989 to Present