Directory Structure

If everything is unpacked, the following directory structure will be created. A description is given and as well as illustrations by links.

SLU.CUS                 [Top level directory]      
|-- bin                 [Executables including compiled code and useful shells script]
|-- CRUST1.0            [Scripts to get CRUST1.0 model for latitude/longitude and then to make dispersion curve]
|-- Ekstrom17           [Access Ekstrom TA phase velocity tomography for a given latitude/longitude] 
|   |-- Lovec
|   |-- Rayleighc
|-- GDM52               [Access Ekstrom global phase and group velocity dispersion at long periods as a function of latitude/longitude]
|   |-- Orig
|-- GREEN               [Directory of model predicted dispersion values]
|   |-- CUS.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- GIL7.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- GSKAN.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- HutchKS.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- Models
|   |-- RLWUS.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- RMWUS.REG
|   |-- SCAL.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- TTX.REG
|   |   |-- Model
|   |   |-- SW
|   |-- WUS.REG
|       |-- Model
|       |-- SW
|-- LOVEc               [Tomography results for Love wave phase velocity]
|   |-- LTOMO000        [png of results for the first period]
|   |-- ........
|   |-- LTOMO068
|-- LOVEc.spk           [Spike test tomography for Love wave phase velocity]
|   |-- LTOMO000        [Spike test for period 1]
|   |-- ........
|   |-- LTOMO068
|   |-- LTOMOSPK        [png of the input spike model for comparison  of results]
|   |-- LTOMO000
|   |-- ........
|   |-- LTOMO070
|-- LOVEU.spk
|   |-- LTOMO000
|   |-- ........
|   |-- LTOMO070
|   |-- LTOMOSPK
|-- MOVIE               [gif movies of map view of dispersion as a function of period. Good way to review the spatial consistency of the inversion]
|-- nGRIDREGION         [scripts to get  dispersion plots as a function o latitude/longitude]
|-- OBSERVATIONS        [Original dispersion measurements]
|   |-- 19700101000000  [By earthquake]
|   |-- ..............
|   |-- 20190304172251
|   |-- BAJA.20050427003300
|   |-- BAJA.20060524042027
|   |-- BAJA.20081120192301
|   |-- BAJA.20081228051707
|   |-- BAJA.20091230184800
|   |-- BAJA.20100408164426
|   |-- CN               [by ambient noise cross correlation. 
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_KAPO  [crosscorrelation of stations of CN network within 500 km of KAPO]
|   |   |   |-- MFT.KAPO
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_KAPO1
|   |       |-- MFT.KAPO
|   |-- MN               [This analysis used a subgroup of TA stations near Minnesota]
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_A30A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.A30A
|   |   |   ............
|   |-- NC
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_PNPO_NC
|   |       |-- MFT.PNPO
|   |-- NE               [Stations near New England]
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_D54A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.D54A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.N55A
|   |-- Nele             [Passcal NELE experiment]
|   |-- NELE
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_O43A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.O43A
|   |-- NGP              [TA stations in northern Great Plains]
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_131A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.131A
|   |-- NX               [Nanometrics network in Oklahoma]
|   |   |-- TTA_HH_OK026
|   |   |   |-- MFT
|   |-- nXI
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_C37A_SNSM
|   |   |   |-- MFT.C37A
|   |       |-- MFT.SS83
|   |-- OK               [Stations and some earthquake in Oklahoma]
|   |   |-- 20140322030559
|   |   |   |-- 20140322030559
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_138A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.138A
|   |-- S
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_141A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.141A
|   |-- SC
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_059A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.059A
|   |-- TA
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_109C
|   |   |   |-- MFT.109C
|   |-- TASHORT
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_109C
|   |   |   |-- MFT.109C
|   |-- TX
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_034A
|   |   |   |-- MFT.034A
|   |-- XI               [XI Passcal experiment in mid-continent rift]
|   |   |-- TTA_BH_SC01
|   |   |   |-- MFt.SC01
|   |-- ZL               [Wabash Valley Passcal experiment]
|       |-- TTA_BH_BLO
|       |   |-- MFT.BLO
|-- RAYLc                [Rayleigh wave phase velocity results]
|   |-- RTOMO000
|   |-- ........
|   |-- RTOMO070
|-- RAYLc.spk
|   |-- RTOMO000
|   |-- ........
|   |-- RTOMO070
|   |-- RTOMOSPK
|   |-- RTOMO000
|   |-- ''''''''
|   |-- RTOMO070
|-- RAYLU.spk
|   |-- RTOMO000
|   |-- ........
|   |-- RTOMO070
|   |-- RTOMOSPK
|-- src                  [Fortran an C source codes]
    |-- General
        |-- OLD
