MGMO - University of Missouri, Mountain Grove, MO

- preparing hole for seismic vault to bedrock

- preparing bed for shelter's concrete pad

trench dug for power and communication cables from instrument shelter

installing ground system for shelter

aligning conduit in instrument shelter pad

shelter form in place waiting for concrete

conduit extending into vault hole

ground system for instrument vault

view from seismic vault hole back to instrument shelter (approx. 6 ft. deep)

filling vault hole with concrete

- finishing shelter slab after concrete pour - finished concrete slab

- installing vault in hole

vault installed, installing granite plates for trillium and episensor instruments

view inside the vault at instruments' granite plate

- vault installed, needed a little extra weight to keep it from floating

- views of vault after pour

- finish trim work on instrument shelter pad - backfilling instrument hole with dirt

- finishing up the site trying to find the dirt in the rock - closing up the site to let the concrete fully cure

- Pad and site the next morning after concrete cured - view from inside the vaut after concrete cured

- instruments installed in vault - foam plug installed in vault - vault finished

- preparing instrument shelter to be installed on pad

- view of equipment in instrument shelter including telemetry antenna and gps antenna

- finished site

- University of Missouri weather station co-located on site