Date Time (UT) Latitude Longitude Depth (km) Magnitude State/Province Felt Mechanism

1997/05/16 01:23:20 40.58 -114.99 5 4.4 Nevada ? 19970516012320 Mechanism
1997/10/24 08:35:17 31.118 -87.339 10.0 4.8 Alabama ? 19971024083517 Mechanism
1997/11/06 02:34:33 46.80 -71.42 22.5 5.10 Quebec y 19971106023433 Mechanism
1997/12/06 08:06:47 64.84 -88.19 18 5.70 Nunavit, Canada ? 19971206080647 Mechanism

Note: "SW Study only" means that the earthquake was processed for the purpose of obtaining group velocities for tomographic studies. In the case of earthquakes in California, the definitive source parameters are obtained from the California Integrated Seismic Network.