
The new programs are as follow:

The programs are controlled by command line arguments. The options for hpulse96strain and spulse96strain are extensive to permit different formats for output file naming.

Making synthetics

Before illustrating the computation sequence of the new codes, the following show the sequence making synthetic displacement, velocity or acceleration time histories. This is the sequence that is used in the validation scripts int he WK and SW directories.

Wavenumber Integration Modal Superposition
hprep96 -d dfile -M CUS.mod -HS 10.0 -HR 3.0
hpulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G
for isotropic material, and

hprep96 -d dfile -M CUS.mod -HS 10.0 -HR 3.0
hpulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G
for transverse isotropic media.

sprep96 -d dfile -M CUS.mod -HS 10.0 -HR 3.0 -L -R -NMOD 100
spulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G

The output at this stage is a set of Green's functions of the form 050000100.XXX, where the XXX indicates the particular Green's function and is one of ZDD, RDD, ZDS, RDS, ZSS, RSS, TSS, ZEX, REX, ZVF, RVF, ZHF, RHF or THF. To create the three component time series for the displacement/velocity/acceleration, the gsac mt command is used. An illustration of this is in the file CPSstrain.validate/WKkm/DOSTRAIN.

The new codes compute the three component motion or strain/stress/rotation for a given mechanism. Thus they cannot be used with the gsac mt command. The complete sequence using the new codes is similar to that used above. The example scripts for wavenumber integration are CPSstrain.validate/WK/DOITWK for a moment tensor source and CPSstrain.validate/WK/DOITWKF for a point force source. The corresponding scripts for modal superposition are CPSstrain.validate/SW/DOITSW for a moment tensor source and CPSstrain.validate/SW/DOITSWF for a point force source.

The following shows the sequence of operations:
Wavenumber Integration Modal Superposition
hprep96 -d dfile -M CUS.mod -HS 10.0 -HR 3.0
hpulse96strain -V -p -l 1          -MW ${MW}  -STK ${STK} -DIP ${DIP} \\
                  -RAKE ${RAKE} -AZ ${AZ}  -STRESS -STRAIN -ROTATE  -FMT 1
for isotropic models, and
hprep96 -d dfile -M CUS.mod -HS 10.0 -HR 3.0
hpulse96strain -V -p -l 1          -MW ${MW}  -STK ${STK} -DIP ${DIP} \\
                  -RAKE ${RAKE} -AZ ${AZ}  -STRESS -STRAIN -ROTATE  -FMT 1
for transverse isotropic models.
sprep96 -d dfile -M CUS.mod -HS 10.0 -HR 3.0 -L -R -NMOD 100
spulse96strain -V -p -l 1 -d dfile -MW ${MW}  -STK ${STK} -DIP ${DIP} \\
                  -RAKE ${RAKE} -AZ ${AZ}  -STRESS -STRAIN -ROTATE  -FMT 1

In the scripts the shell variables STK, DIP, RAKE, AZ and MW specify the source parameters. The command line parameters of hspec96strain are the same as those if hspec96. The hpulse96strain combines the functions of hpulse96, f96tosac, fmech96 and the mt command of gsac and likewise of spulse96strain.

When the -STRAIN is invoked with the -FMT 1 flag,, the output will be Sac files with names such as

002000_0100_0050.Eff	002000_0100_0050.Erf	002000_0100_0050.Erz
002000_0100_0050.Efz	002000_0100_0050.Err	002000_0100_0050.Ezz
The units are strain, and not microstrain or nanostrain

If the -STRESS is invoked, the output Sac files will be of the form

002000_0100_0050.Sff	002000_0100_0050.Srf	002000_0100_0050.Srz
002000_0100_0050.Sfz	002000_0100_0050.Srr	002000_0100_0050.Szz
with units of Pa.

If the -ROTATE is given, the output will be

002000_0100_0050.Wfz	002000_0100_0050.Wrf	002000_0100_0050.Wrz
with units of m/m.

Finally if the -D, -V or -A is given, the following result:

002000_0100_0050.Ur	002000_0100_0050.Ut	002000_0100_0050.Uz
where these are m, m/s or m/s/s, respectively. The only non-standard point is the Z is positive downward rather than positive upward. This is not a problem since I would use the hpulse96 sequence and gsac to compute the 3-component motion.

Time function

The earlier code assumed that the source time function was step-like, which is appropriate for earthquakes. Now the ground velocity for a step source is the same as the ground displacement for an impulsive source. The latter is the Green's function by definition. The default source time function is step-like with a rise time controlled by the -p -l or -t -l flags. To force the output to be for an impulse source with a duration controlled by the same flags, the -STEP option is used.


To get the units just mentioned, the model file must be in terms of km, km/s and gm/cm3.


To get the units just mentioned, the model file must be in terms of km, km/s and gm/cm3.


Note that everything is in terms of a cylindrical coordinate system. In modeling data, it is natural to specify the epicenter and then compute the motions at the receiver with is at (r,φ) with respect to the source. The instruments may not be aligned in the er and eφ directions. The program srotate96 can be used to rotate the motions at the receiver to a local Cartesian system, as in the next figure:

If the computational run gave the files starting with 002000_0100_0050, then the command

srotate96 -U -STRESS -STRAIN -ROTATE -AZ 30 -FILE  002000_0100_0050
2000_0100_0050_Exx	002000_0100_0050_Eyy	002000_0100_0050_Sxx	002000_0100_0050_Syy	002000_0100_0050_Wxy
002000_0100_0050_Exy	002000_0100_0050_Eyz	002000_0100_0050_Sxy	002000_0100_0050_Syz	002000_0100_0050_Wxz
002000_0100_0050_Exz	002000_0100_0050_Ezz	002000_0100_0050_Sxz	002000_0100_0050_Szz	002000_0100_0050_Wyz
Note the use of the underscore instead of the period.

Program syntax


 USAGE: hspec96strain [-H] [-A arg] [-K] [-N][-SU] [-SD] [-SPUP] [-SSUP] [-SPDN] [-SSDN] [-RU] [-RD] [-RPUP] [-RSUP] [-RPDN] [-RSDN] [-?] [-h]
 -H (default false)   Use Hankel function not Bessel
 -A arg (default arg=3.0) value of kr where Hn(kr) replaces
             Jn(kr) in integration - only used when -H is used
 -K      (default Futterman) use Kjartansson Causal Q
 -N      (default causal) use non-causal Q
 The following govern wavefield at source. The default is the entire wavefield
 -SU      (default whole wavefield) Compute only upgoing                wavefield from the source
 -SD      (default whole wavefield) Compute only downgoing                wavefield from the source
  -SPUP  Include upward P at source
  -SSUP  Include upward S at source
  -SPDN  Include downward P at source
  -SSDN  Include downward S at source
 The following govern wavefield at receiver. The default is the entire wavefield
  -RD    Only downgoing waves at receiver
  -RU    Only upgoing waves at receiver
  -RPUP  Include upward P at receiver
  -RSUP  Include upward S at receiver
  -RPDN  Include downward P at receiver
  -RSDN  Include downward S at receiver
 -?                   Display this usage message
 -h                   Display this usage message


 USAGE: tspec96strain [-H] [-A arg] [-K] [-SU] [-SD] [-SPUP] [-SSUP] [-SPDN] [-SSDN] [-RU] [-RD] [-RPUP] [-RSUP] [-RPDN] [-RSDN] [-?] [-h]
 -H (default false)   Use Hankel function not Bessel
 -A arg (default arg=3.0) value of kr where Hn(kr) replaces
             Jn(kr) in integration - only used when -H is used
 -K      (default Futterman) use Kjartansson Causal Q
 The following govern wavefield at source. The default is the entire wavefield
 -SU      (default whole wavefield) Compute only upgoing                wavefield from the source
 -SD      (default whole wavefield) Compute only downgoing                wavefield from the source
  -SPUP  Include upward P at source
  -SSUP  Include upward S at source
  -SPDN  Include downward P at source
  -SSDN  Include downward S at source
 The following govern wavefield at receiver. The default is the entire wavefield
  -RD    Only downgoing waves at receiver
  -RU    Only upgoing waves at receiver
  -RPUP  Include upward P at receiver
  -RSUP  Include upward S at receiver
  -RPDN  Include downward P at receiver
  -RSDN  Include downward S at receiver
 -?                   Display this usage message
 -h                   Display this usage message


hpulse96strain -d Distance_File [ -t -o -p -i ] [-a alpha]
    -l L [ -D|-V |A]  [-F rfile ] [ -m mult] [-STEP|-IMP]
    [-LAT] [-2] [ -M mode ] [-LOCK] -FMT ifmt 
    [-M0 moment ] [-MW mw] [-STK stk -DIP dip -RAKE rake]
    [-FX fx -FY fy -FZ fz] 
    [-XX Mxx ... -ZZ Mzz] [-?] [-h]
  -t           Triangular pulse of base 2 L dt
  -p           Parabolic Pulse of base  4 L dt
                  -p -l 1 recommended
  -l L         (default 1 )duration control parameter
  -o           Ohnaka pulse with parameter alpha
  -i           Dirac Delta function
  -a alpha     Shape parameter for Ohnaka pulse
  -F rfile     User supplied pulse
  -m mult      Multiplier (default 1.0)
  -STEP        (default)
              By default the source time function is 
              steplike. -IMP forces impulse like. -D -IMP is Green s function
  The format for the name of the binary output attempts to
  give information on epicentral distance (km), 
  source depth (km), and receiver depth(km). The options are
  -FMT 1      DDDDDd_HHHh_ZZZz.cmp
              e.g. 005001_1234_0045.Uz
  -FMT 2      DDDDDddd_HHHhhh_ZZZzzz.cmp
              e.g. 00500123_123456_004578.Erf
  -FMT 3      DDDDDdHHHh.grn(default)
              e.g. 0050010041.ZVF
  -FMT 4      DDDDdHHHh.grn
              e.g. 050010045.Srz
  -FMT 5      DDDdddHhhh.grn
              e.g. 5001234578.Err
  where D is for epicentral distance, H source depth, and
  Z receiver depth. The lower case indicates the digits 
  to the right of the decimal place.  The examples above
  are for an epicentral distance is 500.123 km, source
  depth 123.456 km and receiver depth 4.578 km.
 OUTPUT TIMESERIES FOR SOURCE as Ur, Ut, Uz components with strain, stress optional
  -D           Output is ground displacement        (m)
  -V           Output is ground velocity (default) (m/s)
  -A           Output is ground acceleration       (m/s^2)
  -STRESS (default .false. ) output stress for mechanism
    units are Pa, with suffix Srr, Srf, Srz, Stt, Sfz, Szz
  -STRAIN (default .false. ) output strain for mechanism
       with suffix, Err, Erf, Erz, Eff, Efz, Ezz
  -ROTATE (default .false. ) output rotation for mechanism
       with suffix, Wfz, Wrz, Wrf
  -GRN    (default false) Output Green;s functions
    hpulse96strain -STEP -V -p -l 1 -GRN -FMT 4  is same as
     hpulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G . For KM,KM/S,GM/CM^3
     model, output will be CM/S for moment of 1.0e+20 dyne-cm
     of force of 1.0e+15 dyne

  -TEST1  (default .false.) output CPS Green functions ,e.g.,
       ZDS RDS ... RHF THF for use with moment tensor codes
       and gsac MT command. This is equivalent to 
       hpulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G if -FMT 4 is used 
       with hpulse96strain
  -Z         (default false) zero phase 
  -DIP dip               dip of fault plane
  -STK Strike            strike of fault plane
  -RAKE Rake              slip angle on fault plane
  -M0 Moment (def=1.0) Seismic moment in units of dyne-cm
  -MW mw            Moment Magnitude  
            moment (dyne-cm) from log10 Mom = 16.10 + 1.5 Mw
            For strike,dip,rake source mw or Moment must be specified
  -EX                  Explosion
  -AZ Az                Source to Station Azimuth
  -BAZ Baz               Station to Source azimuth
  -fx FX -fy Fy -fZ fz  Point force amplitudes  (N,E,down) in  dynes
  -XX Mxx -YY Myy -ZZ Mzz  Moment tensor elements in units of
  -XY Mxy -XZ Mxz -YZ Myz    dyne-cm
 The moment tensor coordinates are typically X = north Y = east and Z = down
 If by accident more than one source specification is used,
 the hierarchy is Mij > Strike,dip,rake > Explosion > Force
 NOTE: The output units are related tot he model specification.
 To have the desired units the model must be in KM, KM/S  and GM/CM^3
  -?           Write this help message
  -h           Write this help message


spulse96strain -d Distance_File [ -t -o -p -i ] [-a alpha]
    -l L [ -D|-V |A]  [-F rfile ] [ -m mult] [-STEP|-IMP]
    [-LAT] [-2] [ -M mode ] [-LOCK] -FMT ifmt 
    [-M0 moment ] [-MW mw] [-STK stk -DIP dip -RAKE rake]
    [-FX fx -FY fy -FZ fz] 
    [-XX Mxx ... -ZZ Mzz] [-?] [-h]
  -t           Triangular pulse of base 2 L dt
  -p           Parabolic Pulse of base  4 L dt
                  -p -l 1 recommended
  -l L         (default 1 )duration control parameter
  -o           Ohnaka pulse with parameter alpha
  -i           Dirac Delta function
  -a alpha     Shape parameter for Ohnaka pulse
  -F rfile     User supplied pulse
  -m mult      Multiplier (default 1.0)
  -STEP        (default)
              By default the source time function is 
              steplike. -IMP forces impulse like. -D -IMP is Green s function
  The format for the name of the binary output attempts to
  give information on epicentral distance (km), 
  source depth (km), and receiver depth(km). The options are
  -FMT 1      DDDDDd_HHHh_ZZZz.cmp
              e.g. 005001_1234_0045.Uz
  -FMT 2      DDDDDddd_HHHhhh_ZZZzzz.cmp
              e.g. 00500123_123456_004578.Erf
  -FMT 3      DDDDDdHHHh.grn(default)
              e.g. 0050010041.ZVF
  -FMT 4      DDDDdHHHh.grn
              e.g. 050010045.Srz
  -FMT 5      DDDdddHhhh.grn
              e.g. 5001234578.Err
  where D is for epicentral distance, H source depth, and
  Z receiver depth. The lower case indicates the digits 
  to the right of the decimal place.  The examples above
  are for an epicentral distance is 500.123 km, source
  depth 123.456 km and receiver depth 4.578 km.
 OUTPUT TIMESERIES FOR SOURCE as Ur, Ut, Uz components with strain, stress optional
  -D           Output is ground displacement        (m)
  -V           Output is ground velocity (default) (m/s)
  -A           Output is ground acceleration       (m/s^2)
  -STRESS (default .false. ) output stress for mechanism
    units are Pa, with suffix Srr, Srf, Srz, Stt, Sfz, Szz
  -STRAIN (default .false. ) output strain for mechanism
       with suffix, Err, Erf, Erz, Eff, Efz, Ezz
  -ROTATE (default .false. ) output rotation for mechanism
       with suffix, Wfz, Wrz, Wrf
  -GRN    (default false) Output Green;s functions
    spulse96strain -STEP -V -p -l 1 -GRN -FMT 4  is same as
     spulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G . For KM,KM/S,GM/CM^3
     model, output will be CM/S for moment of 1.0e+20 dyne-cm
     of force of 1.0e+15 dyne
  -TEST1  (default .false.) output CPS Green functions ,e.g.,
       ZDS RDS ... RHF THF for use with moment tensor codes
       and gsac MT command. This is equivalent to 
       spulse96 -V -p -l 1 | f96tosac -G if -FMT 4 is used 
       with strainspulse96
  -d Distance_File {required}    Distance control file 
   This contains one of more lines with following entries
   DIST(km) DT(sec) NPTS T0(sec) VRED(km/s) 
            first time point is T0 + DIST/VRED
            VRED=0 means do not use reduced travel time, e.g.
            500.0 0.25 512 -23.33 6.0
            500.0 0.25 512  60    0.0 
            both have first sample at travel time of 60s
  -LAT       (default false) Laterally varying eigenfunctions
  -2         (default false) Use double length  internally
  -M  nmode  (default all) mode to compute [0=fund,1=1st]
  -Z         (default false) zero phase triangular/parabolic pulse
  -FUND       (default all) fundamental modes only  
  -HIGH       (default all) all higher modes only  
  -LOCK       (default false) locked mode used  
  -DIP dip               dip of fault plane
  -STK Strike            strike of fault plane
  -RAKE Rake              slip angle on fault plane
  -M0 Moment (def=1.0) Seismic moment in units of dyne-cm
  -MW mw            Moment Magnitude  
            moment (dyne-cm) from log10 Mom = 16.10 + 1.5 Mw
            For strike,dip,rake source mw or Moment must be specified
  -EX                  Explosion
  -AZ Az                Source to Station Azimuth
  -BAZ Baz               Station to Source azimuth
  -fx FX -fy Fy -fZ fz  Point force amplitudes  (N,E,down) in  dynes
  -XX Mxx -YY Myy -ZZ Mzz  Moment tensor elements in units of
  -XY Mxy -XZ Mxz -YZ Myz    dyne-cm
 The moment tensor coordinates are typically X = north Y = east and Z = down
 If by accident more than one source specification is used,
 the hierarchy is Mij > Strike,dip,rake > Explosion > Force
 NOTE: The output units are related tot he model specification.
 To have the desired units the model must be in KM, KM/S  and GM/CM^3
  -?           Write this help message
  -h           Write this help message


Usage: srotate96 -AZ az [-U|-STRESS|-STRAIN] -FILE prototype
  -AZ az (required) angle between r- and x-axes
  -FILE prototype (required) identifier for filename 
       for the example below this could be ../NEW/005000_0100_0010
 -U  Rotate the Ur Ut Uz from [sh]pulse96strain to Ux Uy Uz
       if they exist, e.g., ../NEW/005000_0100_0010.Ur etc
       to create 005000_0100_0010_Ux etc in the current directory
 -STRAIN  Rotate the Err Erf .. Ezz  from [sh]pulse96strain to Exx Eyy ..
       if they exist, e.g., ../NEW/005000_0100_0010.Err etc
       to create 005000_0100_0010_Exx etc in the current directory
 -STRESS  Rotate the Srr Srf .. Szz  from [sh]pulse96strain to Sxx Syy ..
       if they exist, e.g., ../NEW/005000_0100_0010.Srr etc
       to create 005000_0100_0010_Sxx etc in the current directory
 -ROTATE  Rotate the Wrf Wrz Wfz  from [sh]pulse96strain to Wxy Wxz Wyz
       if they exist, e.g., ../NEW/005000_0100_0010.Wrf etc
       to create 005000_0100_0010_Wxy etc in the current directory
 -h           (default false) online help