
Compliance is a term in elasticity that relates strain to stress and is the inverse of stiffness which relates stress to strain. Compliance is often used in seismological literature to indicate that measurements of fluid pressure and elastic displacements at a fluid-solid boundary can be used to infer the material properties of the elastic medium. Such measurements are made at the Earth's surface and also at the ocean seafloor where a "seafloor compliance" is estimated.

Initial studies of compliance were were directed toward understanding the effect of atmospheric pressure changes on recordings of long period seismometers. It was recognized that the pressure changes caused displacements and tilts that affect recordings. Sorrells (1971) provided the theoretical background for the solid deformation of a halfspace. Subsequent papers addressed a multilayered elastic medium (Sorrells et al, 1971 ; Sorrells and Goforth, 1973). A recent study by Tanimoto and Wang (2019) reviews work by these and other authors and provides details on the determination of compliance for layered media and on data processing. Wang and Tanimoto (2020) applied these techniques to estimate near-surface rigidity for a subset of USArray Transportable Array stations in the United States having co-located ground motion and pressure sensors. Crawford et al (1991), Crawford et al (1998) and Crawford (2002) address the case of observations on the seafloor to relate seafloor compliance to seafloor structure.

The difference between observations on the surface and the seafloor is related to the phase velocity of the pressure perturbation acting as the source. At the surface the source is the wind which has phase velocities on the order of a few while on the seafloor infragravity waves with phase velocities on the order of provide the signal. Since the research papers emphasize measurements at frequencies less then about 0.05 Hz, the surface measurements and seafloor measurements are sensitive to the upper 10's and 1000's of meters of the elastic structure, respectively.

One must be careful in modeling observations. Tanimoto and Wang (2019) use vertical compliance, , while Crawford et al (1998) use a wavenumber normalized vertical compliance, .

We follow Tanimoto and Wang (2019) to compute partial derivatives of the compliance with respect to changes in material properties for an initial layered halfspace. Rather than using the vertical compliance, they define a parameter which is just the ratio of the power spectra of ground velocity to that of the co-located pressure. The sensitivity of this parameter to changes in material properties is written as

The dimensionless partial derivative kernel with respect to parameter is defined as . The partials with respect to , , , , and are obtained keeping , , , , and fixed, respectively. Thus . The and are related to the isotropic velocities by the definitions and . Tanimoto and Wang (2019) also note that

In the program distributed here the , and kernels are computed numerically and also through these relations. The user has the choice of which to use.


The compliance code presented here is not part of the official Computer Programs in Seismology distribution. For a given model, the codes provide the compliance and kernels defined above. The package is contained in the file compliance.tgz . After downloading this distribution, unpack and compile with the commands

gunzip -c compliance.tgz | tar xf -
make tcompliance.saito

The syntax for running this program is given by

tcompliance.saito -h
which gives
 Usage: tcompliance.saito -M model [-C cvel | -H depth]  -F freq [-h]
   -M model   (default none) name of model file
   -C cvel    (default none) phase velocity (m/s)
   -H depth   (default none) water depth (m)
   -F freq    (default none) frequency
     If -C is invoked it is assumed that measurements are at surface of solid Earth
     If -H is invoked seafloor compliance is computed and  dept  is the height of the water column
   -h        (default none )  this help message 
 Note for the water problem, the model is all solid
 since there is no propagation in fluid. The fluid
 pressure is given theoretically

The model is in the Model96 format of Computer Programs in Seismology and can be isotropic or transversely isotropic.

Note the compliance will be computed correctly for both media, but the kernels are only valid for isotropic media, since κ and μ have no meaning for VTI media.

Since this is a program to understand compliance and the various kernels, the output is not tailored directly for inversion. The details of the program output are given in output.html.The output is easy to parse for use with a user provided inversion code.  Of course the output can be reformatted by changing the various write statements.

Then run the two test cases:


The program tcompliance.saito.f follows Tanimnoto and Wang (2019) by using the numerical integration of minors introduced by Takeuchi and Saito (1972) and Saito (1988).

Example 1

The script DOLAND computes the compliance and kernels for a halfspace. It is assumed that the atmospheric pressure causes the surface deformation. Tanimoto and Wang (2019) show that the phase velocity of the surface noise source is related to the horizontal and vertical displacements through the relation . Tanimoto and Wang (2018) discuss how to measure this velocity using power spectra of recorded displacements. The purpose of this test case is to compare these computations to those in Figure 8 of Tanimoto and Wang (2019). The visual comparison gives confidence in this code.

The model is a uniform halfspace with layer thickness varying from 1 to 5 to 10 meters n the model. The comparison is made for a phase velocity of 1 m/s and at a frequency of 0.01 Hz. The command line is

tcompliance.saito -M HOMO3.5.mod -C 1 -F 0.01 > Land.txt

The kernels are given in the next figure

and the text output is Land.txt

Example 2

This example addresses the problem of displacement and pressure measurements made at the seafloor. In this case the phase velocity of the pressure  is that of oceanic gravity waves, which is determined as a function of the water depth, which is taken to be 1000 m in this example.

tcompliance.saito -M HOMOSEA3.5.mod -H 1000 -F 0.01 > Sea.txt

The kernels are given in the next figure

and the text output is Sea.txt.


Crawford,W. C. 2004. The sensitivity of seafloor compliance measurements to sub-basalt sediments. Geophys. J. Int. , 157 (Jun), 1130–1145.

Crawford, W. C., Webb, S. C., and Hildebrand, J. A. 1991. Seafloor compliance observed by long-period pressure and displacement measurements. J Geophys. Res. , 96 , 16151–16160.

Crawford, W. C., Webb, S. C., and Hildebrand, J. A. 1998. Estimating shear velocities in the oceanic crust from compliance measurements by two-dimensional finite difference modeling. J. Geophys. Res. , 103 , 9895–9916.

Saito, M. 1988. Disper80: A subroutine package for the calculation of seismic normal mode solutions. Pages 293–319 of: Doornbos, D. J. (ed), Seismological Algoriths: Computational Methods and Comptuer Programs. London: Academic Press.

Sorrells, long-period seismic noise and local fluctuations in the atmospheric pressure field. Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc. , 26 , 71–82.

Sorrells, G. G., McDonald, J. A., Der, Z. A., and Herrin, E. 1971. Earth motion caused by local atmospheric pressure changes. Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc. , 26 (Sep), 83–98.

Sorrells, G. G., and Goforth, T. T. 1973. Low-frequency earth motion generated by slowly propagating partially organized pressure Fields. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am , 63 , 1583–1601.

Takeuchi, H., and Saito, M. 1972. Seismic surface waves. Pages 217–295 of: Methods in Computational Physics, Volume 11: Seismology: Surface Waves and Earth Oscillations. New York: Academic Press.

Tanimoto, T., and Wang, J. 2018. Low-frequency seismic noise characteristics from the analysis of co-located seismic and pressure data. J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth , 123 (7), 5853–5885.

Tanimoto, T., and Wang, J. 2019. Theory for deriving shallow elasticity structure from colocated seismic and pressure data. J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth , 124 (Jun), 5811–5835.

Wang, J., and Tanimoto, T. 2020. Estimating near-surface rigidity from low-frequency noise using collocated pressure and horizontal seismic data. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , 110 , 1960–1970.