GCARC EVDP P(taup) P(CPS) S(taup) S(CPS)
1 10 19.40 19.23 ( 0.17) 32.61 32.24 ( 0.37)
2 10 33.83 33.76 ( 0.07) 58.90 58.77 ( 0.13)
3 10 47.58 47.46 ( 0.12) 83.58 83.34 ( 0.24)
80 10 729.50 729.24 ( 0.26) 1333.53 1333.05 ( 0.48)
90 10 779.71 779.45 ( 0.26) 1432.65 1410.12 ( 22.53)
100 10 -1.00 825.11 ( -826.11) 1520.05 1463.68 ( 56.37)
110 10 -1.00 869.90 ( -870.90) -1.00 1508.96 ( -1509.96)
120 10 -1.00 914.70 ( -915.70) -1.00 1547.15 ( -1548.15)
130 10 -1.00 959.49 ( -960.49) -1.00 1578.60 ( -1579.60)
140 10 -1.00 1004.29 ( -1005.29) -1.00 1603.67 ( -1604.67)
The columns are great circle arc (degrees), source depth (km), taup_time P-wave travel time for a surface receiver, the CPS time96 P-wave travel time. the difference between the two, followed by similar columns for the S-wave time. The comparison is very good. At larger distances the CPS OP-time is actually Pdiff and the S-wave time is SKS.
Model: tak135sph.mod
GCARC EVDP TP(sec) p(P)(s/km) T*(P) TSV(sec) p(SV)(s/km) T*(SV) TSH(sec) p(SH)(s/km) T*(SH)
1 700 80.56 0.02 0.33 146.21 0.03 0.98 146.21 0.03 0.98
2 700 83.11 0.03 0.34 150.86 0.05 1.01 150.86 0.05 1.01
3 700 87.18 0.04 0.36 158.26 0.08 1.06 158.26 0.08 1.06
30 700 316.88 0.08 0.73 569.80 0.14 2.06 569.80 0.14 2.06
60 700 542.59 0.06 1.00 984.57 0.11 2.85 984.57 0.11 2.85
90 700 707.88 0.04 1.33 1273.61 0.05 2.81 1303.85 0.08 3.82
Model: Ttak135sph.mod
GCARC EVDP TP(sec) p(P)(s/km) T*(P) TSV(sec) p(SV)(s/km) T*(SV) TSH(sec) p(SH)(s/km) T*(SH)
1 700 80.56 0.02 0.33 146.21 0.03 0.98 146.21 0.03 0.98
2 700 83.11 0.03 0.34 150.86 0.05 1.01 150.86 0.05 1.01
3 700 87.18 0.04 0.36 158.26 0.08 1.06 158.26 0.08 1.06
30 700 316.88 0.08 0.73 569.80 0.14 2.06 569.80 0.14 2.06
60 700 542.59 0.06 1.00 984.57 0.11 2.85 984.57 0.11 2.85
90 700 707.88 0.04 1.33 1273.61 0.05 2.81 1303.85 0.08 3.82
The columns here are the P, SV and SH travel time, ray parameter and T*
(assuming a frequency independent T* operator). You will notice that
the SV time at 90 degrees is actually that of SKS which that of SH is
actually S
Model: tak135sph.mod
GCARC EVDP TpP(sec) p(pP)(s/km) T*(pP) TsP(sec) p(sP)(s/km) T*(sP)
30 700 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00
40 700 509.97 0.08 1.68 589.12 0.08 2.20
60 700 671.66 0.07 1.73 744.85 0.06 2.33
90 700 854.06 0.04 1.96 922.24 0.04 2.60
Model: Ttak135sph.mod
GCARC EVDP TpP(sec) p(pP)(s/km) T*(pP) TsP(sec) p(sP)(s/km) T*(sP)
30 700 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00
40 700 509.97 0.08 1.68 589.12 0.08 2.20
60 700 671.66 0.07 1.73 744.85 0.06 2.33
90 700 854.06 0.04 1.96 922.24 0.04 2.60
Model: Ftak135sph.mod
GCARC EVDP TpP(sec) p(pP)(s/km) T*(pP) TsP(sec) p(sP)(s/km) T*(sP)
30 700 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00
40 700 542.28 0.09 1.86 625.95 0.09 2.34
60 700 741.83 0.09 2.03 822.90 0.09 2.56
90 700 1023.82 0.08 2.33 1101.69 0.08 2.91
Model: FTtak135sph.mod
GCARC EVDP TpP(sec) p(pP)(s/km) T*(pP) TsP(sec) p(sP)(s/km) T*(sP)
30 700 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00 -12345.00
40 700 542.28 0.09 1.86 625.95 0.09 2.34
60 700 741.83 0.09 2.03 822.90 0.09 2.56
90 700 1023.82 0.08 2.33 1101.69 0.08 2.91
The -12345 indicates that there is no depth phase at the distance for the given source depth.