This details the differences between the IRIS distribution of rdseedv5.3 the changes made for inclusion in Computer Programs in Seismology (CPS).
------------------- diff Main/output_resp.c ../rdseedv5.3/Main/output_resp.c ------------------- < /* Begin RBH 04 DEC 2009 */ < char sacpolezero_name[100]; < struct time start; < struct time end; < void cnvt_end_time(); < /* End RBH 04 DEC 2009 */ 109,173d102 < /* ADDITION R B HERRMANN November 16, 2007 < to provide more information the dataless SEED about the stations < modified 04 DEC 2009 to define the SAC Polezero file name < Modified 10 APR 2012 to get around CYGWIN format limit < */ < timecvt(&start, current_channel->start); < < < /* code fragment modified from Main/output_sac.c for consistency in Sac PZ file name */ < if (current_channel->end == NULL) < { < current_channel->end = calloc(100,sizeof(char)); < strcpy(current_channel->end, "2599,365,23:59:59"); < } < < if (strcasecmp(current_channel->end, "N/A") == 0) < { < free(current_channel->end); < current_channel->end = calloc(100,sizeof(char)); < strcpy(current_channel->end, "2599,365,23:59:59"); < } < timecvt(&end, current_channel->end); < cnvt_end_time(&end); < < sprintf(sacpolezero_name,"SAC_PZs_%s_%s_%s_%s_%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d_%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d", < current_station->network_code ? < current_station->network_code : < "NA", < current_station->station, < current_channel->channel, < current_channel->location, < start.year, <, < start.hour, < start.minute, < start.second, < start.fracsec, < end.year, <, < end.hour, < end.minute, < end.second, end.fracsec); < /* The original sprintf attemped to write everything including < outfile_name and sacpolezero_name < However this broke in Cygwin due to an overflow in lgstr in CYGWIN.DLL. So < Two additional fprintf's are used for these last two entries < */ < fprintf(stderr,"%3s %5s %2s %3s %25s %25s %10.6f %11.6f %7.1f %5.1f %5.1f %10.4g ", < current_station->network_code ? current_station->network_code : "**", < current_station->station, < current_channel->location[0] ? current_channel->location : "**", < current_channel->channel, < current_channel->start, < current_channel->end, < current_channel->latitude, < current_channel->longitude, < current_channel->elevation, < current_channel->dip, < current_channel->azimuth, < current_channel->samplerate); < fprintf(stderr,"%s ", outfile_name); < fprintf(stderr,"%s \n",sacpolezero_name); < < /* END ADDITION R B HERRMANN November 16, 2007 < */ ------------------- diff Main/output_sac.c ../rdseedv5.3/Main/output_sac.c ------------------- 126d125 < /* R. B. Herrmann modified comments on SAC pole-zero file */ 1646,1649c1645,1648 < fprintf(fptr, "* LATITUDE (deg) : %-10.6f\n", current_channel->latitude); < fprintf(fptr, "* LONGITUDE (deg) : %-11.6f\n", current_channel->longitude); < fprintf(fptr, "* ELEVATION (m) : %-7.1f\n", current_channel->elevation); < fprintf(fptr, "* DEPTH (m) : %-5.1f\n", current_channel->local_depth); --- > fprintf(fptr, "* LATITUDE : %-10.6f\n", current_channel->latitude); > fprintf(fptr, "* LONGITUDE : %-11.6f\n", current_channel->longitude); > fprintf(fptr, "* ELEVATION : %-7.1f\n", current_channel->elevation); > fprintf(fptr, "* DEPTH : %-5.1f\n", current_channel->local_depth); 1651,1653c1650,1652 < fprintf(fptr, "* DIP (deg) : %-5.1f\n", current_channel->dip + 90.0); < fprintf(fptr, "* AZIMUTH (deg) : %-5.1f\n", current_channel->azimuth); < fprintf(fptr, "* SAMPLE RATE (Hz) : %-3.1f\n", current_channel->samplerate); --- > fprintf(fptr, "* DIP : %-5.1f\n", current_channel->dip + 90.0); > fprintf(fptr, "* AZIMUTH : %-5.1f\n", current_channel->azimuth); > fprintf(fptr, "* SAMPLE RATE : %-3.1f\n", current_channel->samplerate); 1661,1664d1659 < fprintf(fptr, "* Site Name : %s\n", < current_station->name? current_station->name: ""); /* RBH addition */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Owner : "); < find_type33(fptr, current_station->owner_code); /* RBH addition */ ------------------- diff Main/summary.c ../rdseedv5.3/Main/summary.c ------------------- 698d697 < /* Changed from fabsl to fabs R B Herrmann SLU April 10, 2012 700,702d698 < */ < < this_diff = fabs(diff_start) + fabs(diff_end); ------------------- diff Parsers/parse_50.c ../rdseedv5.3/Parsers/parse_50.c ------------------- 55,57d54 < /* BEGIN R B Herrmann September 3, 2009 */ < int i; < /* END R B Herrmann September 3, 2009 */ 104,110d100 < /* BEGIN R B Herrmann September 3, 2009 < get rid of non-printing characters from the name */ < for(i=0; i < strlen(; i++){ < if(! isprint([i]))[i] = '\0'; < } < /* END R B Herrmann September 3, 2009 */ < ------------------- diff Utilities/log_errors.c ../rdseedv5.3/Utilities/log_errors.c ------------------- 33d32 < #include