This details the differences between the IRIS distribution of rdseedv5.0 the changes made for inclusion in Computer Programs in Seismology (CPS).
diff Decoders/process_event_requests.c ../rdseedv5.0/Decoders/process_event_requests.c 41,42c41,42 < Strupr(start_phase_point[i].name); < if (i < end_phase_count) Strupr(end_phase_point[i].name); --- > strupr(start_phase_point[i].name); > if (i < end_phase_count) strupr(end_phase_point[i].name); 175c175 < strncpy(cbuf, type72->phasename, 30); cbuf[30] = '\0'; Strupr(cbuf); --- > strncpy(cbuf, type72->phasename, 30); cbuf[30] = '\0'; strupr(cbuf); 185c185 < strncpy(cbuf, tmp72->phasename, 30); cbuf[30] = '\0'; Strupr(cbuf); --- > strncpy(cbuf, tmp72->phasename, 30); cbuf[30] = '\0'; strupr(cbuf);
diff Decoders/process_data.c ../rdseedv5.0/Decoders/process_data.c 949c949 < Strupr(decode); /* make all upper case comparisons */ --- > strupr(decode); /* make all upper case comparisons */
diff Utilities/alloc_linklist_element.c ../rdseedv5.0/Utilities/alloc_linklist_element.c 77c77 < size_t size; /* number of byte to alloc */ --- > int size; /* number of byte to alloc */
diff Utilities/get_date.c ../rdseedv5.0/Utilities/get_date.c 15,18c15 < /* Begin RBH 04 OCT 2010 */ < /* #include*/ < #include < /* End Change RBH 04 OCT 2010 */ --- > #include
diff Include/rdseed.h ../rdseedv5.0/Include/rdseed.h 275,278c275 < /* Begin Change R B Herrmann November 24, 2007 */ < /* char *alloc_linklist_element(); */ < char *alloc_linklist_element (size_t size, char *caller); < /* End Change R B Herrmann November 24, 2007 */ --- > char *alloc_linklist_element(); 401,404d397 < /* Begin Change R B Herrmann November 24, 2007 */ < void Strupr(char *string); < /* End Change R B Herrmann November 24, 2007 */ <
diff Main/summary.c ../rdseedv5.0/Main/summary.c 649c649 < Strupr(stn_ptr->ts_head->chn_list); --- > strupr(stn_ptr->ts_head->chn_list); 1208,1209c1208,1209 < Strupr(chn_list); < Strupr(channel); --- > strupr(chn_list); > strupr(channel); 1240,1241c1240,1241 < Strupr(l); < Strupr(location); --- > strupr(l); > strupr(location);
diff Main/output_css.c ../rdseedv5.0/Main/output_css.c 183c183 < Strupr(temp); --- > strupr(temp);
diff Main/output_sac.c ../rdseedv5.0/Main/output_sac.c 1117,1124c1117 < < /* CHANGE R B HERRMANN NOVEMBER 16, 2007 < IF one does a rdseed followed by a rdseed the SAC file is appended < sac will not be able touse this file < fptr = fopen(fname, "a"); < */ < fptr = fopen(fname, "w"); < /* END CHANGE R B HERRMANN NOVEMBER 16, 2007 */ --- > fptr = fopen(fname, "a"); 1139,1142c1132,1135 < fprintf(fptr, "* Network (KNETWK): %s\n", current_station->network_code? current_station->network_code: ""); < fprintf(fptr, "* Station (KSTNM) : %s\n", current_station->station? current_station->station: ""); /* RBH should never occur */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Component (KCMPNM): %s\n", current_channel->channel? current_channel->channel: ""); /* RBH should never occur */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Location (KHOLE) : %s\n", current_channel->location? current_channel->location:""); /* RBH change */ --- > fprintf(fptr, "* Network (KNETWK): %s\n", current_station->network_code); > fprintf(fptr, "* Station (KSTNM) : %s\n", current_station->station); > fprintf(fptr, "* Component (KCMPNM): %s\n", current_channel->channel); > fprintf(fptr, "* Location (KHOLE) : %s\n", current_channel->location); 1144c1137 < fprintf(fptr, "* End : %s\n", current_station->end == NULL? "No Ending Time": current_station->end); /* RBH change */ --- > fprintf(fptr, "* End : %s\n", current_station->end == NULL? "N/A": current_station->end); 1147,1159c1140,1145 < fprintf(fptr, "* Site Name : %s\n", < current_station->name? current_station->name: ""); /* RBH addition */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Rate (Hz) : %f\n",current_channel->samplerate); /* RBH addition */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Owner : "); < find_type33(fptr, current_station->owner_code); /* RBH addition */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Latitude (Deg) : %10.6f\n", current_channel->latitude); /* RBH change - units */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Longitude (Deg) : %11.6f\n", current_channel->longitude); /* RBH change - units */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Elevation (m) : %7.1f\n", current_channel->elevation); /* RBH change - units */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Depth (m) : %5.1f\n", current_channel->elevation); /* RBH change - units */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Dip (Deg) : %5.1f\n", current_channel->dip); /* RBH change - units */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Azimuth (Deg) : %5.1f\n", current_channel->azimuth); /* RBH change - units */ < fprintf(fptr, "* Instrument : "); < find_type33(fptr,current_channel->instrument_code); /* RBH addition */ --- > fprintf(fptr, "* Latitude : %10.6f\n", current_channel->latitude); > fprintf(fptr, "* Longitude : %11.6f\n", current_channel->longitude); > fprintf(fptr, "* Elevation : %7.1f\n", current_channel->elevation); > fprintf(fptr, "* Depth : %5.1f\n", current_channel->elevation); > fprintf(fptr, "* Dip : %5.1f\n", current_channel->dip); > fprintf(fptr, "* Azimuth : %5.1f\n", current_channel->azimuth);
diff Main/output_resp.c ../rdseedv5.0/Main/output_resp.c 93,98d92 < /* Begin RBH 04 DEC 2009 */ < char sacpolezero_name[100]; < struct time start; < struct time end; < void cnvt_end_time(); < /* End RBH 04 DEC 2009 */ 109,156d102 < /* ADDITION R B HERRMANN November 16, 2007 < to provide more information the dataless SEED about the stations < modified 04 DEC 2009 to define the SAC Polezero file name < */ < timecvt(&start, current_channel->start); < timecvt(&end, current_channel->end); < < cnvt_end_time(&end); < < < < sprintf(sacpolezero_name,"SAC_PZs_%s_%s_%s_%s_%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d_%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d", < current_station->network_code ? < current_station->network_code : < "NA", < current_station->station, < current_channel->channel, < current_channel->location, < start.year, <, < start.hour, < start.minute, < start.second, < start.fracsec, < end.year, <, < end.hour, < end.minute, < end.second, end.fracsec); < < < fprintf(stderr,"%3s %5s %2s %3s %25s %25s %10.6f %11.6f %7.1f %5.1f %5.1f %10.4g %s %s \n",current_station->network_code ? current_station->network_code : "**", < current_station->station, < (strlen(current_channel->location) != 0 ) ? current_channel->location : "**", < current_channel->channel, < current_channel->start, < (current_channel->end != NULL) ? current_channel->end : "99999,9999,00:00:00.0000", < current_channel->latitude, < current_channel->longitude, < current_channel->elevation, < current_channel->dip, < current_channel->azimuth, < current_channel->samplerate, < outfile_name, < sacpolezero_name); < < /* END ADDITION R B HERRMANN November 16, 2007 < */
diff Main/ah_resp.c ../rdseedv5.0/Main/ah_resp.c 638c638 < Strupr(t_34->description); --- > strupr(t_34->description);
diff Main/rdseed.c ../rdseedv5.0/Main/rdseed.c 2161c2161 < Strupr(location_point[location_count]); --- > strupr(location_point[location_count]); 2579c2579 < Strupr(station_point[i]); --- > strupr(station_point[i]); 2623c2623 < Strupr(channel_point[i]); --- > strupr(channel_point[i]); 2780c2780 < /* SEED reader | Strupr | main program */ --- > /* SEED reader | strupr | main program */ 2783c2783 < void Strupr(string) --- > strupr(string)
diff Parsers/parse_50.c ../rdseedv5.0/Parsers/parse_50.c 56,57d55 < int i; < 103,109d100 < /* BEGIN R B Herrmann September 3, 2009 < get rid of non-printing characters from the name */ < for(i=0; i < strlen(; i++){ < if(! isprint([i]))[i] = '\0'; < } < /* END R B Herrmann September 3, 2009 */ <
diff Ah/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Ah/makefile 0a1 > CC=cc
diff Decoders/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Decoders/makefile 0a1 > CC=cc
diff Main/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Main/makefile 1a2 > CC=cc
diff Printers/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Printers/makefile 0a1 > CC=cc
diff Parsers/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Parsers/makefile 0a1 > CC=cc
diff Snoop/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Snoop/makefile 0a1 > CC=cc
diff Utilities/makefile ../rdseedv5.0/Utilities/makefile 0a1 > CC=cc
diff Man/rdseed.1 ../rdseedv5.0/Man/rdseed.1 20c20 < .B "-{aclsSRtdoxzei} [-f filename] [-v (n)] " --- > .B "-{aclsSRtdoxzei} [-f filename] [v (n)] " 38,44d37 < .B \-C STN < .TP < .B \-C CHN < .TP < .B \-C STN CHN < Output station/channel comments. < .TP 59a53,55 > .B \-R > retrieve all response information in a "evalresp" compatible format. > .TP 68,70d63 < Used together with the < .B \-d < flag. The combination \f2-d -o 1\f1 gives SAC binary output files for waveforms. 81,85d73 < .B \-E < Output filename includes endtime, e.g., < .br < 2002. instead of the default 2002. for the \f2-d -o 1\f1 requested output. < .TP 99,112d86 < .TP < .B \-k < Strip records with zero samples. < .B \-d < flag. < .TP < .B \-p < Output response in SAC pole-zero format < .TP < .B \-R < retrieve all response information in a "evalresp" compatible format. < .TP < .B \-u < show command line usage for "rdseed" 612,613d585 < .br < Modified R B Herrmann, November 24, 2007