#!/bin/sh clear echo Getting dispersion from tomography ##### # look at the file MFT96CMP created by # sacmft96 to get the plot scales # # Here get the line with sdpegn96, # change sdpegn96 to sdpdsp96, and # indicate the name of the SURF96 dispersion file ##### grep sdpegn96 MFT96CMP > 1.tmp ed 1.tmp > /dev/null 2>&1 << EOF /sdpegn96/s//sdpdsp96/ s/$/ -K 0 -S 0.020 -D tomo.disp/ w q EOF ##### # identify the trace file, get endpoint # coordinates ##### SACFILE=`grep sacspc96 MFT96CMP | awk '{print $23}' ` echo processing ${SACFILE} if [ -f ${SACFILE} ] then STLA=`saclhdr -STLA ${SACFILE}` STLO=`saclhdr -STLO ${SACFILE}` EVLA=`saclhdr -EVLA ${SACFILE}` EVLO=`saclhdr -EVLO ${SACFILE}` IHDR11=`saclhdr -IHDR11 ${SACFILE}` rm -f S?DSPU.PLT ##### # get the predicted group velocity for the path ##### MFTDOGRID ${STLA} ${STLO} ${EVLA} ${EVLO} > /dev/null 2>&1 sh ./1.tmp cat S?DSPU.PLT >> MFT96.PLT DAYS=`echo $IHDR11 | awk '{print $1 / 2 } ' ` ##### # use gsac and GMT to get a map ##### gsac > /dev/null << EOF rh ${SACFILE} map kstnm on r on s 25 n 50 e -80 w -110 sh map.sh q EOF echo MFTOVERLAY DAYS STACKED=${DAYS} done ##### # say the number of days for the stack ##### # flite -t "${DAYS} days stacked " /tmp/play.wav ## aplay /tmp/play.wav & # (play /tmp/play.wav gain +6 > /dev/null 2>&1) & fi rm -f tomo.disp 1.tmp S?DSPU.PLT map.sh