1906 San Francisco Earthquake Photo
Fault trace a mile northwest of Olema. Looking northwest. Illustrates ridge phase. -G.K.G., plate 40A, Carnegie Report.
(J. B. Macelwane Archives, Saint Louis University)

Bill Ellsworth, USGS, wrote on May 20, 1998:

"The picture of the 1906 ground rupture is on the Pt. Reys peninsula, almost to the town of Inverness, near Olema. This is close to the maximum offset of 6 m. The site is very different today, with erosion having destroyed this particular scene. Wayne Thatcher took us there a few years back."

"The lady in the photo, known locally as "Our Lady of the Fault" is Alice Eastwood, who was G.K. Gilbert's lover. She was a biologist or botanist, if my memory serves me right (although she goes unmentioned in the 200+ pages the National Academy of Sciences devoted to the publication of Gilbert's biography)."

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