WCI - Wyandotte Cave, Indiana (photo)

  Information for WCI as of 1 July 1999
Station: Wyandotte Cave, Indiana
Dr. Brian J. Mitchell
Network Affiliation:
Department Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences
St. Louis University
3507 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis MO 63103
Network Contact:
Earthquake Center
Department Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences
St. Louis University
3507 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis MO 63103
Telephone: 314 977 3123 Open Station: No
Fax: 314 977 3117 Parent Organization:
Saint Louis University, USGS, IRIS
Email: mitchell@eas.slu.edu
Latitude: 38.229N
Longitude: 86.294W
Elevation of Sensor: 500
Geology: N/A
Site Description:
The sensors (STS-1's) rest on limestone in Wyandotte Cave.

Organizations from which to obtain data: IRIS DMC, ANSS

Station Instrumentation: STS-1 Seismometers / IRIS Data Processor

Last Changed July 22, 2011