PVMO - Portageville, Missouri (photo)

  Information for PVMO as of 19 October 2002
Station: Portageville, Missouri
Director: Dr. Robert B. Herrmann Network Affiliation: NM
Department Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences
St. Louis University
3507 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis MO 63103
Network Contact:
Earthquake Center
Department Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences
St. Louis University
3507 Laclede Avenue
St. Louis MO 63103
Telephone: 314 977 3120 Open Station: No
Fax: 314 977 3117 Parent Organization:
Saint Louis University
Email: rbh@eas.slu.edu
Latitude: 36.41372N
Longitude: -89.69972W
Elevation to Sensor: 98.25m
Depth to Sensor: 0
Geology: N/A
Vault Conditions: Sensor emplaced in alluvial soils at a depth of 3.2 meters
Site Description: N/A
After 30-NOV-2020 2020,335,18:00:00.0000
Station Transferred to CERI Please look for data from IRIS or CERI websites
CERI SLU Broadband data helicorders
Station Instrumentation
1. Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network - : [NM] 19 October 2002 to Present
Last Changed November 18, 2020