
Location ANSS

2017/10/25 22:58:08 43.71 17.54 2 4.1 Bosnia Herzegovina

Focal Mechanism

 USGS/SLU Moment Tensor Solution
 ENS  2017/10/25 22:58:08:7  43.71   17.54   2.0 4.1 Bosnia Herzegovina
 Stations used:
 Filtering commands used:
   cut o DIST/3.3 -30 o DIST/3.3 +70
   taper w 0.1
   hp c 0.02 n 3 
   lp c 0.06 n 3 
 Best Fitting Double Couple
  Mo = 1.45e+22 dyne-cm
  Mw = 4.04 
  Z  = 16 km
  Plane   Strike  Dip  Rake
   NP1       80    85    35
   NP2      347    55   174
  Principal Axes:
   Axis    Value   Plunge  Azimuth
    T   1.45e+22     28     309
    N   0.00e+00     55      87
    P  -1.45e+22     20     208

 Moment Tensor: (dyne-cm)
    Component   Value
       Mxx    -5.43e+21
       Mxy    -1.08e+22
       Mxz     7.86e+21
       Myy     3.99e+21
       Myz    -2.43e+21
       Mzz     1.44e+21
           ####   ##############-------------        
          ##### T ###############-------------       
         ######   ################-------------      
             -----   ---------------#######          
              ---- P ---------------######           
                 -   --------------####              
 Global CMT Convention Moment Tensor:
      R          T          P
  1.44e+21   7.86e+21   2.43e+21 
  7.86e+21  -5.43e+21   1.08e+22 
  2.43e+21   1.08e+22   3.99e+21 

Details of the solution is found at


Preferred Solution

The preferred solution from an analysis of the surface-wave spectral amplitude radiation pattern, waveform inversion and first motion observations is

      STK = 80
      DIP = 85
     RAKE = 35
       MW = 4.04
       HS = 16.0

The NDK file is 20171025225808.ndk The waveform inversion is preferred.

Moment Tensor Comparison

The following compares this source inversion to others
 USGS/SLU Moment Tensor Solution
 ENS  2017/10/25 22:58:08:7  43.71   17.54   2.0 4.1 Bosnia Herzegovina
 Stations used:
 Filtering commands used:
   cut o DIST/3.3 -30 o DIST/3.3 +70
   taper w 0.1
   hp c 0.02 n 3 
   lp c 0.06 n 3 
 Best Fitting Double Couple
  Mo = 1.45e+22 dyne-cm
  Mw = 4.04 
  Z  = 16 km
  Plane   Strike  Dip  Rake
   NP1       80    85    35
   NP2      347    55   174
  Principal Axes:
   Axis    Value   Plunge  Azimuth
    T   1.45e+22     28     309
    N   0.00e+00     55      87
    P  -1.45e+22     20     208

 Moment Tensor: (dyne-cm)
    Component   Value
       Mxx    -5.43e+21
       Mxy    -1.08e+22
       Mxz     7.86e+21
       Myy     3.99e+21
       Myz    -2.43e+21
       Mzz     1.44e+21
           ####   ##############-------------        
          ##### T ###############-------------       
         ######   ################-------------      
             -----   ---------------#######          
              ---- P ---------------######           
                 -   --------------####              
 Global CMT Convention Moment Tensor:
      R          T          P
  1.44e+21   7.86e+21   2.43e+21 
  7.86e+21  -5.43e+21   1.08e+22 
  2.43e+21   1.08e+22   3.99e+21 

Details of the solution is found at



ML Magnitude

(a) ML computed using the IASPEI formula for Horizontal components; (b) ML residuals computed using a modified IASPEI formula that accounts for path specific attenuation; the values used for the trimmed mean are indicated. The ML relation used for each figure is given at the bottom of each plot.

(a) ML computed using the IASPEI formula for Vertical components (research); (b) ML residuals computed using a modified IASPEI formula that accounts for path specific attenuation; the values used for the trimmed mean are indicated. The ML relation used for each figure is given at the bottom of each plot.


The next figure presents the focal mechanism for this earthquake (red) in the context of other events (blue) in the SLU Moment Tensor Catalog which are within ± 0.5 degrees of the new event. This comparison is shown in the left panel of the figure. The right panel shows the inferred direction of maximum compressive stress and the type of faulting (green is strike-slip, red is normal, blue is thrust; oblique is shown by a combination of colors).

Waveform Inversion

The focal mechanism was determined using broadband seismic waveforms. The location of the event and the and stations used for the waveform inversion are shown in the next figure.
Location of broadband stations used for waveform inversion

The program wvfgrd96 was used with good traces observed at short distance to determine the focal mechanism, depth and seismic moment. This technique requires a high quality signal and well determined velocity model for the Green functions. To the extent that these are the quality data, this type of mechanism should be preferred over the radiation pattern technique which requires the separate step of defining the pressure and tension quadrants and the correct strike.

The observed and predicted traces are filtered using the following gsac commands:

cut o DIST/3.3 -30 o DIST/3.3 +70
taper w 0.1
hp c 0.02 n 3 
lp c 0.06 n 3 
The results of this grid search from 0.5 to 19 km depth are as follow:

           DEPTH  STK   DIP  RAKE   MW    FIT
WVFGRD96    1.0   250    60   -25   3.71 0.4198
WVFGRD96    2.0   250    65   -25   3.78 0.5125
WVFGRD96    3.0   245    60   -40   3.85 0.5521
WVFGRD96    4.0   250    65   -35   3.87 0.5704
WVFGRD96    5.0   255    75   -30   3.87 0.5808
WVFGRD96    6.0   255    80   -35   3.90 0.5949
WVFGRD96    7.0    80    85    30   3.90 0.6109
WVFGRD96    8.0    80    90    40   3.96 0.6281
WVFGRD96    9.0    80    85    40   3.97 0.6412
WVFGRD96   10.0    80    85    40   3.98 0.6517
WVFGRD96   11.0    80    80    35   3.98 0.6600
WVFGRD96   12.0    80    80    35   4.00 0.6665
WVFGRD96   13.0    80    80    35   4.01 0.6712
WVFGRD96   14.0    80    80    35   4.02 0.6741
WVFGRD96   15.0    80    85    35   4.03 0.6757
WVFGRD96   16.0    80    85    35   4.04 0.6765
WVFGRD96   17.0    80    85    35   4.05 0.6758
WVFGRD96   18.0    80    85    35   4.06 0.6735
WVFGRD96   19.0    80    85    35   4.07 0.6700
WVFGRD96   20.0    80    85    35   4.08 0.6652
WVFGRD96   21.0    80    85    35   4.09 0.6605
WVFGRD96   22.0    80    85    35   4.10 0.6549
WVFGRD96   23.0    80    85    35   4.11 0.6480
WVFGRD96   24.0    80    85    35   4.12 0.6403
WVFGRD96   25.0    80    85    40   4.13 0.6328
WVFGRD96   26.0    80    85    40   4.14 0.6247
WVFGRD96   27.0   260    90   -40   4.15 0.6115
WVFGRD96   28.0    80    85    40   4.16 0.6056
WVFGRD96   29.0    80    85    40   4.17 0.5964

The best solution is

WVFGRD96   16.0    80    85    35   4.04 0.6765

The mechanism correspond to the best fit is
Figure 1. Waveform inversion focal mechanism

The best fit as a function of depth is given in the following figure:

Figure 2. Depth sensitivity for waveform mechanism

The comparison of the observed and predicted waveforms is given in the next figure. The red traces are the observed and the blue are the predicted. Each observed-predicted component is plotted to the same scale and peak amplitudes are indicated by the numbers to the left of each trace. A pair of numbers is given in black at the right of each predicted traces. The upper number it the time shift required for maximum correlation between the observed and predicted traces. This time shift is required because the synthetics are not computed at exactly the same distance as the observed and because the velocity model used in the predictions may not be perfect. A positive time shift indicates that the prediction is too fast and should be delayed to match the observed trace (shift to the right in this figure). A negative value indicates that the prediction is too slow. The lower number gives the percentage of variance reduction to characterize the individual goodness of fit (100% indicates a perfect fit).

The bandpass filter used in the processing and for the display was

cut o DIST/3.3 -30 o DIST/3.3 +70
taper w 0.1
hp c 0.02 n 3 
lp c 0.06 n 3 
Figure 3. Waveform comparison for selected depth
Focal mechanism sensitivity at the preferred depth. The red color indicates a very good fit to thewavefroms. Each solution is plotted as a vector at a given value of strike and dip with the angle of the vector representing the rake angle, measured, with respect to the upward vertical (N) in the figure.

A check on the assumed source location is possible by looking at the time shifts between the observed and predicted traces. The time shifts for waveform matching arise for several reasons:

Assuming only a mislocation, the time shifts are fit to a functional form:

 Time_shift = A + B cos Azimuth + C Sin Azimuth

The time shifts for this inversion lead to the next figure:

The derived shift in origin time and epicentral coordinates are given at the bottom of the figure.



Thanks also to the many seismic network operators whose dedication make this effort possible: University of Nevada Reno, University of Alaska, University of Washington, Oregon State University, University of Utah, Montana Bureas of Mines, UC Berkely, Caltech, UC San Diego, Saint Louis University, University of Memphis, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, the Iris stations and the Transportable Array of EarthScope.

Velocity Model

The WUS.model used for the waveform synthetic seismograms and for the surface wave eigenfunctions and dispersion is as follows:

Model after     8 iterations
      H(KM)   VP(KM/S)   VS(KM/S) RHO(GM/CC)         QP         QS       ETAP       ETAS      FREFP      FREFS
     1.9000     3.4065     2.0089     2.2150  0.302E-02  0.679E-02   0.00       0.00       1.00       1.00    
     6.1000     5.5445     3.2953     2.6089  0.349E-02  0.784E-02   0.00       0.00       1.00       1.00    
    13.0000     6.2708     3.7396     2.7812  0.212E-02  0.476E-02   0.00       0.00       1.00       1.00    
    19.0000     6.4075     3.7680     2.8223  0.111E-02  0.249E-02   0.00       0.00       1.00       1.00    
     0.0000     7.9000     4.6200     3.2760  0.164E-10  0.370E-10   0.00       0.00       1.00       1.00    

Quality Control

Here we tabulate the reasons for not using certain digital data sets

The following stations did not have a valid response files:

Last Changed Fri Oct 27 08:56:05 CDT 2017