Eterna3.4 Updates - LAST UPDATED 2015/11/03 1) A new version of Predict, called predictk.f, has been created by Sergey Kudryavtsev to include the most recent tidal potential ksm03.dat. There is now option 8 for the new tidal potential for those wishing the very highest accuracy. Details can be found at 2) There is also a similarly modified version of Analyze (analyzek.f) from SK that uses ksm03.dat 3) The accuracy of k2m03.dat has been computed by SK and compared to hw95.dat in the file HW95_KSM03_Accuracy.doc 4) Latest versions of files iers1.f, iers1.ini, iers1.prn, etpolut1.dat, and etdd.dat are now provided 5) Ducarme has corrected an entry in the Tamura tidal potential table, Tamurahw.dat. A term in line 984 now has a sign corrected. The old file is TAMURAHW-old.DAT so users can see the change